herion detox in los angeles
Heroin detox and withdrawal can include a variety of different side effects and symptoms. This experience typically varies from person to person, so it’s important to know how to detox safely.
What is Heroin?
Heroin is highly addictive. When a person uses heroin, the drug binds with chemicals in the brain, releases dopamine, and leads to a temporary euphoric feeling. But over time, a person will have to use more and more of the substance to get the same feel-good effect, which can lead to heroin dependence and addiction. 2

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Symptoms of Heroin addiction
Someone who is addicted to heroin or other opiates may exhibit the following signs and symptoms:
- Drowsiness
- Agitation
- Slurred speech
- Depression
- Changes in appearance
- Sudden changes in behavior
- Risky or dangerous behavior
- Problems at work or school
Importance of Heroin Detoxification
If you or someone you know is dealing with heroin addiction, the first thing to know is that there are many treatment options that can help you find healing and recovery. The first step in treating substance use disorders is often drug detox, which is a process of removing all traces of a substance such as opiates from the body.
Although heroin detox can be uncomfortable, this is the first step in treating opiate addiction because it allows the dependent individual to enter recovery with a clear mind and diminished cravings.
Methods Used for Heroin Detox in Los Angeles
There are a few different ways to detox from heroin. These different methods can include:3
- Outpatient Detox: One method for heroin detoxification is outpatient detox, which allows you to live at home while you detox and attend a detox program during the day. Typically, you will visit a detox center at least once a week to receive treatment in the form of therapy or medications.
- Acute Detox: There is also acute detox, which is the highest level of care and typically involves intensive, around-the-clock care. With acute detox for heroin addiction, you will stay at a hospital or medical facility and are constantly monitored for serious withdrawal effects after stopping heroin use. People in acute detox frequently receive medications to minimize the discomfort associated with withdrawal.
- Rapid Detox: Another type of heroin detox is rapid detox, in which a person quickly withdraws from substances while under anesthesia. While many people find the idea of a speedy withdrawal process appealing, rapid and ultra-rapid detoxes are controversial due to the fact that they can be dangerous.
How Long Does It Take to Detox from Heroin?
When it comes to the amount of time it takes to withdraw from heroin, it varies depending on the person. Most people will experience the worst of withdrawal symptoms within seven days of their last use.
Factors that Influence Duration of Withdrawal Symptoms
However, there are some factors that can affect the length of heroin withdrawal, including:4
- The severity of heroin addiction
- The length of time one has been using heroin
- Co-occurring disorders, also known as dual diagnosis
- The method by which heroin is used
- Polysubstance abuse, or using other substances along with heroin
Heroin Detox Timeline and Symptoms
To get a better idea of what to expect from a heroin detox, consider the general detox timeline below.
First 24 Hours
Withdrawal symptoms often begin within six to twelve hours after your last heroin use. These initial symptoms may mimic the flu, with fever, nausea, gastrointestinal issues, chills, and achiness. More severe symptoms can also occur, such as depression, anxiety, insomnia, and difficulty breathing. These more serious symptoms are why medical supervision is highly recommended during a heroin detox.
First Few Days
First Week
As the body clears itself of the chemicals and toxins from heroin use, individuals will continue to experience withdrawal symptoms. However, after a week, physical symptoms should subside and individuals should begin to feel better. People who have used heroin for a long time, or who used large amounts of the drug, may still face severe withdrawal symptoms at this time.
First Few Months
Once the substance has been cleared from the body, individuals get to experience restored brain and bodily functions. Many people feel good physically, but some experience mental and emotional challenges like cravings, anxiety, and depression. Entering inpatient or outpatient treatment and utilizing therapy and medication after heroin detox can help with mental health symptoms.
What Happens After Heroin Detox in Los Angeles?
Entering treatment after completing a heroin detox program is extremely beneficial, as it provides you with a robust support system to help you recover. Having a support system, whether it is a team of medical professionals, a therapist, or friends and family, can provide the emotional care you need to successfully recover. 5
Post-Treatment Care and Wellness Opportunities for heroin addiction
Once you’ve finished treatment, there is more support out there for you. Many rehabs offer continuing care programs, which involve ongoing therapy to help you stay on track with recovery and maintain sobriety. You can also join support groups and other programs like Narcotics Anonymous to get support from others with similar experiences.

Begin Heroin Detox in Los Angeles at Profound
If you or a loved one are considering detoxing from heroin, Profound Treatment can help. Our facility is the perfect place for you to detox safely from heroin and other opiates, thanks to the highly qualified team of medical professionals who monitor your progress through the detox process.
To make you more comfortable, the team at Profound Treatment not only offers compassionate care, but also pharmacological interventions to minimize discomfort. On top of this, therapy begins immediately, so you have the additional support of a mental health professional to help you through withdrawal.
Aftercare and a Commitment to Long-Term recovery from heroin addiction
After you’ve successfully completed detox from heroin, your journey with Profound Treatment doesn’t have to end. You can complete residential treatment, where you can continue to heal in a safe, structured, enriching environment.
At our facility, the focus is not just on getting sober – it’s about finding tools and interventions that help you on your individual path to long-term recovery. To learn more about Profound Treatment, don’t hesitate to reach out to us today.
- 1https://nida.nih.gov/publications/drugfacts/heroin
- 2https://www.healthline.com/health/heroin-addiction#causes
- 3https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/mm6238a1.htm
- 4 https://www.verywellmind.com/what-to-expect-from-heroin-withdrawal-22049
- 5https://www.webmd.com/connect-to-care/addiction-treatment-recovery/heroin/facts-about-heroin-withdrawal
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