Should I Travel For Rehab?

Mulling over the severity of drug addiction and deciding to go to rehab is one of the toughest decisions an addict will ever make. When you enter an inpatient facility,

Should I Go Back To Rehab?

The first four years of sobriety are the most dangerous years for relapse. Relapse rates for addicts range from 50% to 90% in those volatile first four years of recovery.

Is My Addiction Bad Enough?

It’s a tragic fact that only about 10% of people with addictions enter rehab and get help for the problem. There are varying reasons for this, but one thing that

How Much Does Treatment Cost?

Drug and alcohol addiction takes an enormous amount of earning power away, and in some cases, the addiction costs someone a job entirely. Addiction and unemployment are excellent friends. It’s

How Long Does Treatment Take?

One of the most important things to consider before going into treatment is just how long you want your stay in treatment to be. For some people, they’re free to

How Long Does Detox Take?

People who are in active addiction often dread a process called withdrawal. During withdrawal, the body responds to being deprived of the drugs and/or alcohol it is addicted to. Each

How Do I Regain My Loved Ones’ Trust After Rehab?

The decision to go into rehab is often the result of negative consequences triggered by substance abuse. People that enter a treatment program often feel that they’ve hit rock bottom

How Do I Stay Sober After Rehab?

One of the great misconceptions about addiction treatment is people can be cured. While addictions are diseases, there is no cure for any addiction. As long as the addiction sufferer
